Monday 8 April 2013

In the beginning, there was Becky!

Hey guys!
Just thought I'd post a few photos of myself to basically introduce me and to sum up my personality. I've finally taken the first steps towards my aim of one day being part of the journalism world by creating a blog and what better subject to do it on than fashion?!
  I've always been interested in fashion and dared to try out new things with my clothes and I guess this just means that others can tag along on the journey as I find new things that I love and that I can share those things with many others!
I wouldn't say that I have one particular style; I just dress in what I feel like that day: some days will be girly, others will be a little more grungy but I'll always try and make it my own no matter what I'm wearing.
So, this is just the we go!
P.S The jumpsuit I'm wearing in the bottom photo I wore to a formal-themed 18th birthday bash and is from Coast (Debenhams).